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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fecal Egg Counting

Fecal Egg Counting is becoming more predominate everyday with wormers not having their true effect anymore on all types of livestock, including horses. Specialist and Extension agents all over the United States are seeing more of an increase in resistance wormers and are pushing for horse owners to use a Fecal Egg Counting Test. Due to the way horses eat on pastures by them eating everything in sight and eating till the pasture is very close to the ground they are very susceptiable to worms. Most of the worms that infect our horses and livestock live at the ground to two inches up. Horse owners need to keep this in mind when looking at the best management practices for their horses.
Fecal Egg Counting is a guide to help producers evaluate their worming protocols. With a fecal sample from a producers horse one can identify before and after worming an animal to see if the wormer was needed and to see if it successfully did its job. This is a great tool for any producer to use to help with worming issues and one that is a simple process to complete. For help with any questions relating to Fecal Egg Counting please contact your local Extension Agent and we will be glad to assist you in anyway we can. For more information go to:

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