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Friday, January 27, 2012

Equine Herpesvirus ( EHV-1) Update

From Dr. Tom Ray:

All but two of the quarantined premises and all of the horses located on those farms have been released from quarantine. There have been no other horses that have shown clinical signs, run fevers or become ill since the initial mare was confirmed positive to EHV-1. Six horses were traced to Virginia and seven to Tennessee and the state and federal animal health officials in those states have located all of these animals; quarantines protocols were put in place, animals observed for clinical signs and fevers, and no further cases have been reported in those states as well. The last two quarantined facilities in NC are expected to have their restrictions removed in the next week to 10 days, assuming no evidence clinical signs or fevers show up. Because the outbreak was fortunately contained and all exposed located and quarantined so quickly, we have not recommend cancelling any equine events in North Carolina. Also, no other states have placed any movement restrictions or increased testing requirements on horses from our state. As the State Veterinarian for Tennessee correctly remarked, “This outbreak has pretty much burned itself out!” (We’ll still just knock on wood!).

Dr. Tom Ray, DVM, MPH

Director, Animal Health Programs-Livestock

NCDA&CS, Veterinary Division

From Dr. Niki Whitley:

· The one confirmed EHV-1 positive horse in NC has recovered with all tests now negative but is still in quarantine (on-farm in VA).

· No other cases in NC or for the six horses traced to VA and seven traced to TN.

· The last two facilities under quarantine in NC should be released in 7-10 days (if nothing happens).

· NCDA&CS has NOT recommended equine events in NC be cancelled.

· No states have restricted movements or increased testing requirements for NC horses.

Dr. Niki Whitley

Interim ANR Program Leader

Animal Science Specialist and Adjunct Associate Professor

North Carolina A&T State University Cooperative Extension

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