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Monday, January 28, 2013

The Relationship Between Tapeworms and Colic

The word colic strikes fear into the hearts of almost all horse owners and the threat of anything that could be related to colic is something horse owners dread--and with good reason. Colic has been identified as one of the leading causes of death in horses. In one study, 80% of impaction colic cases examined were associated with tapeworms. Other findings from that study showed 22% of spasmodic colic cases had concurrent tapeworm infections.

With the link between tapeworms and colic, it can be critical for horse owners to use products in their deworming programs that control tapeworms. Horse owners need to consider incorporating a product such as one with praziquantel, which specifically controls that particular parasite. Caution should be used when using generic dewormers as there are no generics that contain praziquantel to control tapeworms.

Besides their association with colic, tapeworms can also lead to other health concerns including but not limited to recurring diarrhea, progressive weight loss, and anemia. Understanding the tapeworm lifecycle, illustrated in the picture below, can help horse owners determine the best time to treat. In general, veterinary recommendations are to treat for tapeworms in the spring and the fall, but horse owners should consult their veterinarians for more specific parasite treatment protocols and a deworming program that best fits their farm health plan.

Because tapeworms pose a threat to horses' overall health and there is no reliable fecal diagnostic test for tapeworm infections like there are for other parasites, horse owners need to be vigilant about treating for them. And they should be sure to treat with a product that has been proven to be effective against tapeworms. So ask your veterinarian about the potential for these parasites and develop a sound deworming program that will work best for your equine operation.

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