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Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring Pasture Checklist

Spring is an important time of year for pasture care. Here is a list of things you can do in the next couple months to get your pastures looking great.

1.     Plant Seed The best time of year to seed a pasture is fall. However, spring is an acceptable time of year if you missed the fall deadline. Planting dates will vary with where you live.  Your county Extension office is an excellent resource to determine the best spring planting dates for your location.  Make sure you keep horses off newly seeded pastures until the grasses are well established and you have mowed 2 - 3 times.  If you seed in the spring, be prepared to let the pasture rest for about a year.  The newly planted forage needs to be able to develop strong roots in order to withstand grazing.  It is also the most appetizing grass and will have a hard time developing under grazing pressure.  Planting dates for NC: http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/A.-Planting-Guide-for-Forage-Crops-in-NC.pdf
2.     Take Soil Samples See if your pastures need any nutrients and/or lime. Once the frost is out and the soils have dried, samples can be taken. Contact your county Extension office for more information and to obtain soil sampling forms and boxes.  There is a $4 fee/sample in place until April 1st.*
3.     Fertilize As stated in 2, test your soils first, so you know how much you need. Often, only Nitrogen is needed in pastures.
4.     Spray Herbicides Spring is a good time to spray annual weeds as it prevents them from getting established. However, mowing is usually sufficient for annual weed control unless weed densities are high.
5.     Check fences Snow/ice and deer can be hard on fences. Check them before you turn out the horses.
6.     Plan your grazing system Think back to last year whether you had enough grass or if the horses turned the pasture into a putting green or mud pit. You may need to supplement your horse with hay during certain times of the grazing season and set aside a sacrifice area when the pasture needs a rest.
7.     Let the grass grow Keep the horses off the grass until the ground firms up and the grass has a chance to get growing. Once the grass is about 6 - 8" tall, start easing the horses onto the pasture in 15 minute daily increments (15 minutes the first day, 30 minutes the second day, 45 minutes the third day, etc...), until the time on pasture reaches 5 hours a day, after which the horse can be given unlimited access.

Original article written by: B. Wieland, University of Minnesota

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