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Monday, May 29, 2017

Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane season began on June 1st and continues all the way to November 30th. This is a good time to start preparing your facilities and horses for the possibility of storms and storm damage. Forecasters are predicting 11-15 named storms, with 4-6 becoming hurricanes. Be sure you have en emergency plan to address power outages, feed capabilities, and flooded pastures. Reviewing your insurance policies is also a good practice; make sure you are covered for wind, hail, flood, and catastrophic coverage if necessary.

Move vehicles and livestock trailers to safe ground, have a first aid kit on hand for anything you may need to treat wounds quickly in your animals, and having an extra supply of hay, feed and water will definitely come in handy if the storm hits. Do not check on your animals during the storm, you are no good to your family or your livestock if you get hurt!!

Make sure your horses are up to date on vaccinations prior to hurricane season. This will give them the best chance to prosper during the season, even if something were to happen.
In North Carolina, horses should be current on vaccinations for influenza, rhinopneumonitis, EEE, tetanus, rabies, strangles, West Nile Virus, and a current (negative) Coggins test for Equine Infectious Anemia. 

Another important thing to remember after a large storm is that forage poisoning is a possibility. Flying debris may have covered extensive ranges and could bring harmful leaves or acorns into your pastures that had not previously been present. Wilted cherry leaves are toxic to most livestock species at high volumes; double check your pastures that these leaves have not filtered into your pastures and that your animals do not have access to them! Patrol your pastures immediately after the storm to check your animals’ exposure to dangerous feedstuffs. 

Stay up to date on all possible storms in your area so that you can protect yourself and your horses!

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