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Monday, August 5, 2019


With the first confirmed case of EEE in North Carolina for this year happening just a few days ago, now is the perfect time to mention this disease. We've seen cases this year in New Jersey, South Carolina and North Carolina.

In NC, an unvaccinated 4 year old mare contracted the mosquito borne disease and was euthanized. Once bitten, it may take 3-10 days for symptoms to appear in your horse. Below you will find a quick rundown of the disease and what to look for in your horse this summer!

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) Basics:

  • This viral diseases affects the central nervous system
    • Symptoms include: moderate to high fever, depression, lack of appetite, behavioral changes, gait abnormalities and head-pressing/circling/blindness or seizures.
  • Progresses rapidly
  • Fatality rates are 75-80%
  • Vaccines can help in the prevention of this disease
  • Reducing the mosquito populations will also help reduce the spread of this diseases
    • Limit stagnant water
    • Dump and clean water troughs regularly
    • Keep animals inside during insect feeding times (morning and evening)
    • Mosquito repellent
Contact your vet immediately if your horse begins to act unusual or exhibits these symptoms!

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