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Monday, November 4, 2019

Top 10 Nutrition Tips

Sometimes the most obvious things are the ones we forget about.  In caring for your horse, here are the Top 10 Nutrition Tips provided by Marcia Hathaway, PhD, University of Minnesota Department of Animal Science.  A reminder about these important tips is never a bad idea. 

Adequate nutrition is one of the main components in the health of a horse. This article provides 10 nutritional tips to keep your horse healthy.

1. Always supply unlimited quantities of clean, fresh water.
2. Maximize forage intake.
3. Minimize concentrate consumption.
4. The Calcium to Phosphorous ratio (Ca:P) should be between 3:1 to 1:1.
5. Supplement minerals and vitamins.
6.  Balance a horse’s ration in the following order: energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins.
7.  Monitor your horse’s body weight and body condition score.
8.  Maintain your horse’s teeth in good chewing condition.
9. Change feedstuffs gradually.
10. Feed each horse as an individual.

To view the article in its entirety, follow this link:  Top 10 Tips

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