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Monday, March 14, 2022

Easing the Sting of Fertilizer Costs

Over the last year, we all have experienced price increases in products we use in our daily lives.  This price increase in common commodities is also affecting the agricultural sector.  As of March, some formulations of fertilizer have tripled in price compared to one year ago.  The price per ton of granular 30-0-0 is averaging around $800.  To make matters worse, some fertilizer, such as liquid UAN (urea ammonium nitrate) is in short supply and is hard to source from local distributors.  As we hatch a pasture management plan for the 2022 season, we can expect that these historically high prices will pack a punch to the wallet. Fortunately, there are some steps we can take to help ease the cost of our fertilizer bills.

Take Soil Samples of Your Fields- For anyone growing a crop or pasture, getting soils tested is the first step in the direction of lowering fertilizer inputs.  Getting your soil tested is cheap insurance when it comes to over-applying and over-paying for fertilizer.  If you need assistance with proper soil sampling please contact your local Extension office.  Once samples are collected from your fields, they can be brought to your local Extension office, from there we send them to get tested by the NC Department of Agriculture.  Currently, the agronomic lab is still in its peak season for sample submissions so there is a $4 fee per sample. From April to November there is no fee. Soil testing tells us what nutrients, such as phosphorus and potassium, are available for the specific plants or crops we want to grow.   Soil testing also quantifies our soil’s pH and provides us with a baseline of the amount of nutrients we need to add to grow a successful crop.  Remember, soil testing allows us to fine tune our fertility plans so we don’t over-apply nutrients which can be costly during periods of high fertilizer prices.  

Don’t Skimp on the Lime-  Although fertilizer prices have increased significantly over the last year, the price of agricultural lime, which is used to raise the soil pH,  has remained relatively steady. Since the vast majority of our soils are acidic, applying the recommended amount of lime will bring the soil pH up to the desired range for pastures which is typically 6.0.  Research has shown time and time again that greater amounts of plant nutrients are available when the soil pH is in the ideal range compared to soils with a lower pH.  

Using manures-  Another option to curb the sting of the fertilizer bill is to utilize animal manures.  Poultry litter, horse manure, or cattle manure are common animal wastes and when used responsibility can serve as an effective plant nutrient source in pastures.  Animal manures can vary in their availability of nutrients between sources so it is always good to submit a sample and have it analyzed for nutrient concentrations.  This process is also carried by the NCDA and shares the sample principles as soil testing.  

Planting legumes- Legumes are plants that convert atmospheric nitrogen into plant available nitrogen with the help of soil bacteria called rhizobia.  When planted as a cover crop or in pastures some of this nitrogen will contribute to the following crops. Due to their low fiber and high protein content, legumes can be incorporated in pastures to increase forage quality which boosts livestock performance.  Common legumes that can be grown in our area during the fall are: clover species (crimson, white, arrowleaf), hairy vetch, and winter pea. In the summer legumes such as cowpea, soybean, peanut, and sunhemp can be successfully grown.  All of these plants ultimately contribute some nitrogen back to our soils which can help cut down the fertilizer bill.

As fertilizer prices stay on a steady upswing, now is the time to start implementing some practices to weather high fertilizer prices.  If you have any questions about fertilizers or pasture management please contact your local Extension office.

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