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Monday, July 18, 2022

Managing Flies Around Horses During Peak Fly Season

 Few things are worse than enjoying your trail ride or evening schooling only to be hounded by flies.  Fly management can be a tricky business. It can seem simple at first but often needs a multi-pronged approach. It is important to use a combination of methods to reduce fly levels. 


The first action to take when trying to prevent any problematic species is identification.  The most effective use of your prevention methods is to know what you are up against.  Different types flies have different biology that can mean different life cycles, food preferences and identifying flies can be difficult. Using online resources and your local Extension office can help you with this task.  You can bring in samples of the insects to most Extension offices where the livestock or horticulture agents can help identify it. Stable flies and house flies are the most common flies found  around horses.  Once you have identified the culprits you can start your prevention methods. The best time to start fly prevention is before the flies are out for the season.  Early prevention reduces the overall number of flies you will have to deal with through out the season.  Peak fly season is between July and August. 


Managing things like manure, mud, hay, straw, water and feed can all decrease shelter and food sources for the flies. Picking up manure in your paddocks and pastures can be a major pain.  It is time consuming, back breaking work. However these are where you will find most of your stable flies. It is important to pick or drag the manure in the fields weekly.  Mud, wet hay and straw are the perfect homes for flies.  When feeding we need ot be mindful of how of much hay waste we leave out and let get wet. Standing water in the exposed to the sun can be breeding grounds for flies and mosquitos.  Water troughs that are in the open are the perfect opportunity for these insects. Increasing your management of manure, mud, hay, straw water and feed you will decrease the flies around your horses. 

Physical and Chemical

Fly spray and fly sheets are helpful tools when managing for flies as a pest for your horse.  Fly spray is a chemical solution to our fly problems. It is a convenient short term solution for when we are working or riding horses.  Fly sprays do have an negative effect on pollinators that are needed for crops and grasses to grow.  Fly sheets and mask are a common physical barrier to prevent flies from landing horses.  These tools are helpful when the horses are in their stalls or pastures but cannot be used while riding and working the horses.  Another negative effect of the fly sheets is that they can increase the changes of heat related issues acting as a blanket trapping heat. 

Triple Threat

Using a combination of of the methods above is the most effective way to deal with flies in pastures and around barns during the summer months.  Try a combination of of the methods this July and upcoming August during peak fly season.

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