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Monday, January 23, 2023

Coggins: What is it and why do it? Horses in NC have Tested Positive Recently

It's already the time of year where horse owners should be thinking about Spring vaccinations and having their vet out for annual maintenance. Don't let the coggins testing slip past you this season either! It can be frustrating to have a group ride or show all planned out, just to discover your coggins are out of date. However, testing can be a smart idea whether you plan to travel with your horse or not. So, what are Coggins, and why do we need them in the first place?

Coggins Test Charts (or coggins for short) are simply forms indicating that a horse, pony, donkey or mule has been tested for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA). The form should indicate that the animal is "Negative" for the viral disease. EIA is highly pathogenic, meaning very easy to spread, and is most commonly shared via biting flies that transmit blood, like horseflies. The disease can also be transmitted via infected needle, dental tools, or even bits. If an animal shows as "Positive" on the test, the USDA and state regulatory agencies require the equine to be euthanized (or occasionally under a very strict quarantine for its remaining life). Test results are valid for one year from the date the animal was tested. A test consists of a veterinarian drawing blood and sending it to an accredited lab for evaluation. The veterinarian will also fill out paperwork at the time of testing indicating the age, breed, etc. of the equine as well as take photos for identification. Many shows and events require riders/owners to present a negative coggins test before entering their facility. As of 2022, all states require proof of a negative coggins test for equines crossing state lines. In North Carolina, proof of a negative coggins test is required by law for equines traveling within the state as well. If you take your equine off of your property, you should have proof of a negative coggins test with you. Even if you don't plan to travel with your horse, it is smart to have a current negative coggins test on file anyway, because you never know when you may need to take an emergency trip to the vet or when an event you want to attend will pop up.

There is no preventative vaccine for EIA or cure. The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) gives the following best management practices for owners:

  • Use disposable needles and syringes, one per horse, when administering vaccines and medications.
  • Sterilize dental tools and other instruments before using them on another horse.
  • Test all horses for EIA at least annually.
  • Test horses at the time of purchase examination.
  • Stable owners, horse show and event managers should require and verify current negative Coggins certificates for all horses entering the premises.
  • New horses should be quarantined for 45 days and observed for any signs of illness, including elevated temperatures, before introducing them to the herd. They should be retested if exposure to EIA is suspected at a 45-day interval.
  • All stable areas should be kept clean, dry and waste-free. Good pasture management techniques should also be practiced. Remove manure and provide adequate drainage to discourage breeding sites for pests.
  • Horses at greater risk, such as those in frequent contact with outside horses or who live or travel in geographic regions known for EIA outbreaks, should be tested more frequently, every 4 – 6 months.

For more information, check out the following resources: 
  • Fact Sheet from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDA&CS) about EIA: https://www.ncagr.gov/vet/FactSheets/equine.htm
  • Article from the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP): https://aaep.org/horsehealth/equine-infectious-anemia
  • Article about the counties that have had positive cases: https://equusmagazine.com/news/eq-edcc-health-watch/eia-in-six-north-carolina-counties/

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